Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 30 December 2010

Reserve Cousteau, des merveilles sous-marines/ The underwater paradise called Reserve Cousteau, Guadeloupe

One year after I have discovered the underwater paradise called Reserve Cousteau in Guadeloupe, I had the pleasure to dive back in the colourful gardens and meet the enormous amount of local inhabitants and beauties....
On the picture of the brain coral below look for the tiny blue-grey fish with the yellow eyes....
Sponges in different colours decorate the underwater world at different depths.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Le Parc des Roches Gravées a Trois Rivières/ Archeological Gardens of engraved rocks, Guadeloupe

When last year i saw for first time a picture of the engraved rocks („Roches Gravées"), i knew i have to visit "Le Parc des Roches Gravées" in Trois Rivières. The Guadeloupean archeological Gardens of engraved rocks are listed since 1981 as a monument of historical interest. Covering an area of about one hectare the park faces the archipelago of les Saintes. Here, between volcanic rocks and luxuriant vegetation one may find stone testimonies left by the Arawak Indians, the islands inhabitants before the Caribbean.

Guadeloupe is proud to be the West Indies island with the biggest number of hieroglyphics found: over 800. Those from Trois Rivières have been dated back at about 300-400 a. c. Most of the drawings depict people or animals (like turtles). There is something really funny and catchy in them. Some are just a head with eyes and mouths, some do represent the whole body. A part of the rock known as „The captains" is kept the in the Museum of Natural history in New York.

One may visit the Park only as a part of a guided tour, but this is an experience not to be missed at all. The guides are friendly and impassioned locals, who explain every single tree and flower! ...And made us also taste some fresh cocoa beans and other exotic plants....

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Paradise for "Weihnachtsmarkt"-lovers: Munich in December!!!!

Munich does not have only one, two or three Christmas markets...There are over 20 different "Weihnachtsmärkte" spread over the Bavarian capital every december....
This year I decided to do a weekend-tour and managed to visit some of them. The "Weihnachtsmarkt am Chinesichem Turm" is lost in the middle of the white Englischen Garten, a nice way to mix nature and city life while sipping on a warm cup smelling like cinnamon and ginger . Afterwards I paid also a visit to the "Middle-Age-ChristmasMarket" in the center of the city. This one takes you some hundred of years away. Here one could not only see people dressed as in the Middle Age/"Mittelalter" but also try some delicious specialties from this time!
The huge hand-made Middle-age-snowballs (sweets) were a nice eye-catcher....
If you like Christmas markets or if you have never visit one, go to Munich...But before this pack nicely, warmely and thick!!!Not only head, hands, but also your legs...because your toes are the part that all warm drinks do not really warm up;-)