Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 10 March 2011

Faschingdienstag am Viktualienmarkt in München

The biggest party in München ist usually at the Viktualienmarkt on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday ("Faschingdienstag")...I had a look for 2 hours, during my lunch break and enjoyed the colours of the different creative, funny or scary costumes in the warm March sun....

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Lets dress up: Fasching in München

First of all there is no "Karneval" in Bavaria....its called "Fasching" :-) For the rest its the same: everyone dresses up and the city becomes extremely colourful and loud! Plenty of funny, interesting or weird creatures may be seen, met or photographed around! The people are celebrating the time before the fasting.

The celebrations take place over a week starting on "Weiberfastnacht" (= the Thursday before the Fasching week) and ending on "Aschermittwoch"(=Ash Wendesday). I could enjoy a concert on the Münchener Marienplatz last Sunday and a very happy ambiance, as one may spot on the pictures..
P.S. "Karneval" is the word use for carnival in Germany, north the line Bonn-Erfurt (as for example in the city of Cologne);