Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 22 April 2017

Tulips fields and details in the Netherlands, Spring 2017 in Bollenstreek

Every April the flower fields between Leiden and amsterdam turn into rainbow of bulb flowers in bloom.This year I went there with a 100mm macro lens and concentrated on the details, lines and shapes! 

I hope you enjoy them, I did even if the wind was very freezing ;-)
Let me know which o the pictures you like the most :-)

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Snow Crystals in Bad Urach and HAPPY 2017!!!

Happy, Healthy and Lucky 2017 to all of you! Let it be a serene and successful for everyone.

Myself started the year on the first of January with macros of frosty details on the walk to the Bad Uracher Wasserfall with good friends. enjoy the nature beauty and lots of good vibrations!