Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 20 December 2008

Movies from underwater

We are still waiting in Gladstone for our rescheduled flights to Sydney today: yesterday all flights in the afternoon were cancelled due to the bad weather(some storms and rain).
So some time to put 2 short movies from underwater online, check the links below:
->with the manta-rays:
->a funny swimming flatworm (like a snail without a house):
Its up to your PC and internet how quick it will load, so give it around 5 min...

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys its tom, the Australian boy from the rough boat ride :P
    I thought that i might have a look at your Manta Ray videos, hope you're having fun in Sydney and wish you the best of luck for you're Melbourne visit :)
    you can also contact me on or 0402328691 if you have any questions about Australian travel or customs :)


Thank you in advance for leaving your comment here:-)))