Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Camping with black sand and Wireless...

Times changes, camping changes as well...In Raglan Holiday Park one can surf the Internet in, next and around the camper (as I did too:). There are also more garbage (recycling-related) separation than in NL: around 6 different bins, I am impressed. There is something about camping I never got. One morning u wake up angry with the crying babies and screaming kinds next door, some hours later u think amping is not so bad: the neighbours the other side went fishing and give u fresh fish (gurnard) for dinner:)

We spent the last 2 days in the quiet and cozy village Raglan on the West coast (100km south of Auckland). Delicious fresh fish (+some fresh sushi for Jana), plenty of wind for Nico (+kitesurfing) and some lovely sunsets in the evening. This afternoon we will head to the middle of the North Island (Rotorua), which is a geothermal area and famous for mud baths, geyser and other natural wonders.

Maori kids playing on the beach with black sand:)


  1. Looks lovely, her weather got warmer - 4 degrees. For the rest, work, problems, traffic jam - normal haotic life as usual. On top of it I had the good luck to cut myself deeply and got glued by EPO nurse. Reminded me that is never too late to stay childish in any way.....Is boring around and I am surrounded by same people .... Ronan sent greetings to Nico. Javor got promoted - yesterday we had a drink...All same boring days...So try to get mots ot NZ and sun there, kisses and hugs Tony

  2. I caught that garbage portion Iana... Well, am not spoiling the good side but the garbage collection and stuffs here in NL simply suc_k$ you know.. Back in Italy we couls through it daily and now here..oh.. once a week? Mamma Mia!

    Anyways, you do look like you have so much fun... I am happy to visit your update here from time to time. You inspired me to make a "strictly" images blog aside from my other existing ones... ^^

  3. Hèp Schöne Du!
    dieses Bild von dir neben dem Camping-car wird sicherlich in meine Archive gehen ;))

  4. ...habe nicht gesagt, dass ich natürlich die Fotos super schön finde...diese mit der Sonne und...du kennst meine Interesse für die Fotos mit Kindern...

    News from here : es regnet!! :)))


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