Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 8 January 2009

Kia ora from Aoteaora !

After 5 very interesting weeks down under a 3-hour-Qantas-flight took us from Melbourne to Auckland. I was impressed to read in the Lonely Planet guide that New Zealand (a country with 3,8 million inhabitants) have 2,5 million of visitors a year! Everything looks till now very green and plenty of sheeps and cows all around. Today we drove to the North of the Northern Island of NZ, with a stop in the town Kawakawa to see the art of the Austrian Hundertwasser, who designed some colourful and beautiful public toilettes here. He lived here:)

On the way to Paihia (Bay of Islands) Nico found a very friendly kitesurf shop, where he left his broken kite for repair. We were shown some impressive wooden kite boards, made by the owner of the shop who had a real kite factory, and now we have one in the back of the car!

Nico played with and ate the green, green New Zealand mussels:)

Tomorrow a sailing boat (22 m long) will take us on 3-day-tour of the Bay of Islands for some snorkeling/hiking/fishing/discovery. Might be silent for some days, have a nice rest of the week and a lovely weekend!

P.S. Kia ora from Aoteaora!/ Hello from the Northern island (the island of the big white cloud)!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Яна,
    австриецът Хъндретвасер - е словака Стоводников, който извесно време е работил в Австрия, след това в САЩ и т.н.Явно е стигнал доста далече, щом има работи и в Нова зеландия.
    Интересно, колко струва месото там . виж в някой супурмаркет.
    за да го сравним с България.
    И бензина ме интерисува, колко струва.
    Къде предвиждате да ходите.Има ли стабилна интернет връзка там.
    И внимателската, там.


  3. Hey strahotni strahotni snimki, he he mnogo dobre izglejdat: otpuskata ti se otraziava dobre:-)

    ..ha ha prisaediniavam se kam basteiko ti: vnimatelskata tam+viel Spass de sashto.


  4. Ciao Iana! Have been enjoying the photos... it was around 13:30 updating the profiles in ST (and a sleepiness creeping in my head) and so i thought of looking at this blog.. enjoying... Enjoy more and share more your photos...


  5. Milo, tuka o6te e klin4, mnogo e studento minus 7, do 9 stiga a prez denia e minus 2, suh vazduh, horata karat kunki. Ina4e rabota tapo vse edno i sa6to is EPO, ni6to interesno. az hodia na fitness vseki den, sku4no e bez tebe. sno6ti islisah v Haga s edna grupi4ka ama mai za posledno ne be6e mnogo veselo. iskaraite si super - i se kefete na gotinoto vreme, 4e tuka e liuta zima, celuvki Tony


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