Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 25 May 2009

About Sergiev Posad and the locals...

Sergiev Posad (Се́ргиев Поса́д) and its cultural&art monument The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius (Russian: Тро́ице-Се́ргиева Ла́вра) is the most important and a very loved monastery complex in Russia...Its history started in 1345 with the building of a small wooden church in the woods north of Moscow. Through the years it served as a refugee place to ome kings and helped Russians win some important fights.

We were really happy to make the 70 km to it in around 2 hours as traffic in and around the city is terrible! The sun also came out once we arrived there, so we could enjoy in full glance the blue cupolas covered with golden stars of the Assumption Catherdral, the little fountain bringing water from deep, the colourful icons decorating the inside of the churches...

The complex reperesents a small fortress and once entering the main entrance one feels in another (definitely quietter than Moscow city) world...Sergiev Posad is still functioning as a man-monastery and some monks were moving between us (there are around 300 still living there). We tried the typical drink kwas(квас), which is made from rye and barley (very tasty) and just relaxed in the calm garden of the complex.

On the way back some cute typical Russian wooden houses caught our eyes.


  1. The house is particularly wonderful! I love it! The style is grand. I have to get back to this post tomorrow... time to sleep for now. ^^

  2. Those blue little domes/turrets (I dunno what's the term, sorry) really loos so unique considering the fact that's so old, how did they make that?

  3. Jana,
    Nice feedback. I wish I'd made my Posad blog earlier for you and people to know my town better.


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