Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Savoir vivre...or what makes Paris so attractive for visiting?

Tour Eiffel in Paris

While exploring the French capital and being surrounded by a funny mix of Italian, Japanese, Spanish, British and American tourists I could not help ask myself the question:"How did this city make so many people just fall in love with it"? And there is no secret actually!

French patisserie chocolate cakes

salon a the in Paris
Moulin Rouge by night in Paris

Paris is loveable for what it is: a huge pot of beautiful gardens, impressive architecture, countless museums, cozy salon de thès, delicious restaurants, nicely smelling patisseries, colourful boutiques, plenty of open-air markets....
Stravinsky fountain in front of Centre Pompidou in Paris
Indeed the discovery and enjoyment is much bigger if one do speak and understand French (which is true for almost every place on Earth). And last but not least there is the famous "Savoir vivre"= to know to live"" (and I would add "to enjoy it too").


  1. Wow! Arent all these breathtaking? I was just talking to AMore about visiting this city but we decided against it this peak season... a weekend would not be enough to see and queue for all these beauties of the city!

  2. dear Roj, right now (July-Aug) Paris is really nice for a long weekend as more than half of the French are gne to the its actually lovely weather and not crowded...would say some of the best time to visit!so go ahead and dont forget to contact me for some info+tipps:)

  3. That's indeed a great tip! ^^ Thanks Jana. By the way, I a exited to see your new post after this. I already saw it but I went here first seeing another comment after mine. :)

  4. sorry, I wanted to say that the parisians are gone from Paris to the seaside:-)but u got my idea, just go!


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