Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 14 September 2009

Organic all around: Boulevard Organique Dynamique at Kijkduin beach

Organic Art Flower in Kijkduin

In an age when we are surrounded by organic supermarkets and clothes we can have an organic art too. The proof is the fourth edition of the Kijkduin Organique Dynamique Exposition at the Kijkduin Beach in the Hague, the Netherlands. The art pieces are made partly or 100% from natural materials. They are left on influence of the nature powers wind, rain and sun - from 14th of August till the 20th of September 2009.

Wooden OrganicArt sculpture in_Kijkduin

This year the creative artists present a flower made out of wood skin and feathers, wooden-metallic triangles and plenty more...

Boulevard Organique Dynamique by sunset in Kijkduin

Combine organic art plus a gorgeous sunset and you see the result on the pictures here....

Boulevard Organique Dynamique by sunset in Kijkduin

The first time i had visited this expo 2 years ago i was impressed by one of the sculptures. 8 round balls put on the top of each other covered with lentilles, beans and wheat-see below.

Boulevard Organique Dynamique 2007 in Kuijduin

My only question at the end was: is all the material used bio-degradable or will it all land in the normal garbage...just curious and environmental oriented thinking:)


  1. pretty cool, thanks for the tip, I'll definitely try to go (but don't know when I will find the time ;-) )
    And nice pictures!

  2. I am contemplating about the question... maybe they are kept somewhere else for display? Just like other art pieces where we take care of them???

    The creations are really beautiful and its full of creativity. I never knew about this event when I was there last year... Jammer! :)

  3. I am sure thy must store them somewhere becasue we made pcis from exactly same sculptures 1 or 2 years ago...or they have many exemplars :-)


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