Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 25 September 2009

Sea and fishing...

The first time i wanted to see the sea in Britanny/Bretagne i could not believe how big the difference between low and high tide there is! At the Black sea coast, there are sometimes 5 cm, here it can be up 5-10 or even 20 meters....I had to walk once more than 5 minutes from the place where the water surface usually is (by high tide) till where it was by low tide.

I have discovered those cute fishermen houses by low tide in south Bretagne, in Saint Michel Chef Chef. They were looking so lonely on the beach, one abandoned one even reminded me of a spider while looking at it from down. Some people were using those hours when the water uncovers clams and other seafood to collect the dinner...


  1. just want to say..i didnt leave a comment yesterday or was it 2 days ago? hehe..nice blog Jana :)

  2. No wonder that structure has very very high legs/post. :)

    I remembered going to another island during low tide in my country.... but I really did not enjoy as I was so afraid that high tide would come soon and I would not be able to come back to where I came from.... I have to smile when I remember this experience and now I saw it here in your post.


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