Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 2 November 2009

Caen and the museums of Normandy!

Chateau de Caen

The chateau of Caen casts 4 different museums between its majestic walls. The latest exposition was showing the history of its region, Normandy, and tourism:"Destination Normandie Deux siècles de tourisme en Normandie, XIXe – XXe siècles".

Musée de Normandie

Plenty of colourful and joyful old posters, yellow-paged-brochures and black and white postcards were on display. One could have a good laugh when seeing the bathsuit fashion from some 100 years ago:-) And still realise why people love(d) toursim. Because its a great way to escape the city, the every-day-life and the known.

Musée de Normandie posters

The Normandy-coast /La "côte normande" was just 2,5 hours away from Paris, now, 200 years after, only 1,5 hours by train.

Musée de Normandie old brochures

1 comment:

  1. Ik was hier mijn lekerding.. heheh.. ik kent niet als het is goed of niet...

    Anyway, you surely have great time in there. I do find it strange why those flowers still have colors... most here are lifeless and colorless already...:(


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