Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 17 November 2009

The underwater world of Thailand...

Lately i have been thinking(and dreaming) of Thailand a lot....all this because of the beautiful pictures on the blog of my supervisor Filip (click on the name to follow his trip and adventures). Thats why i would like to show you also somethings from there, goingback in time, to my trip to Bangkok-Phuket-Koh Phi Phi some years ago.

Let me take you on an underwater trip with the video below. While snorkelling and diving at Koh PhiPhi island you can admire and discover the colourful gardens and inhabitants of the Andaman sea.

Playful parrot fishes, curious banner fishes, some rays, a few sharks and turtles might be sighted in these waters.

The picture above shows the traditional Thai boats used by the locals still nowadays-lovely to be taken into pictures, less comfortable while you are on it because of the old, loud motors at the end of it.


  1. Lovely marine life...Go also in Philippines when you are near there...inBoracay or in Palawan or any beach,just not in main cities(Manila,Cebu, etc)....

    Anyway, what's with Thailand? I thought it's Filipwho's there?

    I have tipsfor the problem you/Filp has/have. I will email to you.

  2. Filips trip motivaed me to dig some of my old shots and movies from the beautiful underwater and as he did not have any underwater camera i decided to share some fishes with u girls and guys:)

    Indeed Philippines is also on my list-but will go there only with u:)


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