Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 18 December 2009

The French Caribbean: this time from under the water surface...

The program for this week has been one dive a day in the amazing underwater world of the Caribbean sea. Till now we were lucky to meet daily one turtle and plenty of colourful fishes!
The underwater world here is famous with sponges, some of them are almost as big as me:-)One can spot them in yellow, purple, red or green. Yesterday we were literally blown away when we saw a group of 20 almost transparent calamars, lined up one after the other but still swimming!
The weather has been extremely wet, 2 days ago it rained almost the whole day. The dive on that day was very relaxed, as underwater we enjoyed even warmer temperatures that above the water surface: some 28 degrees!


  1. mersi za kostenurkata - iskreno zavigdam za koeto....nie sme Lionel, i Cheri samo trimkata..tuka e minus 6 i o6te ima sniag i go davat o6te da vali,celuvki i veselo iskarvane, prodalgavaite v sa6tia duh, Tony

  2. Lovely, reminds me of my home country. Enjoy the rest of your holidays dearie... Say my hello to all the sweet turtles around. ^^

  3. no problems Roj+Tony about saying hello! yesterday we saw 4 turtles within 40 min and one even sleeping:)


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