Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 31 December 2009

Marine reserve Cousteau, les Ilets de Pigeon

Another great dive today: in the marine reserve Cousteau, where we have been diving once a day for the last 7 days....below i would have loved to share with you some videos this time. Unfortunately Blogger does not (want to) upload my videos for the last 2 weeks, so again just some pictures.Some more underwater shots can be found here.

Squid reserve Cousteau


  1. Ok, you won: I'm jealous!!
    I can't wait to dive again in warm water.
    Wonderful shots! (as usual...)
    I'm waiting for the videos!

  2. I forgot to ask: What kind of camera did you took underwater? A waterproof one or a regular one with a waterprof case?

  3. merci Christophe:)we have a compact camera,which is put in an underwater housing, that can go up to 40m...


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