Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 25 December 2009

MERRY Christmas/Joyeux NOEL to all of U:-)))

A very warm Christmas wishes are coming right now to you. Here it is 11 am, no snow around and the sun is really strong (air temperature is 30 and water temperature: 28).
We are leaving in 15 min to a Christmas dive, below you can enjoy the underwater beauty of our second diving destination (les Ilets Pigeon), we did the first dive here 2 days ago. And found the frog fish (check for it on the yellow picture):)


  1. Doesn't look warm in the water.

  2. Joyex Noël à vous deux, merci pour toutes les chouettes photos :-)

  3. quelle chaleur!!!!devant le feu de cheminée de tes fait bon ...mais dehors ca glisse
    bon noêl
    bisous de aline,francois,denise,robert

  4. it was just 27 degrees underwater on Christmas, but my best dive:)


Thank you in advance for leaving your comment here:-)))