Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 23 January 2010

Caribbean flowers....


exotic flower Guadeloupe

It is cold, wet and grey outside, typical European weather in winter....and its been like this for the last few days, so I have decided to share some more colours and warmth from the Caribbean with you. In the French Antilles one may discover plenty of exotic flowers unknown in the old continent. On the first picture you can see the so called "oiseau de paradis" (eng. "paradise bird"). Another funny name has the flower pictured just below, this one is called "rose de porcelaine" (eng. "pocelane rose").

Rose Porcelaine Martinique

exotc flower Martinique

The best place to experience this in Martinique is Jardin de Balata, close to the capital Fort-de-France. The 3 last pictures in this blog entry are from there. Next to different flowers and exotic tree kinds one can admire there colibri and other birds too. The last picture features the flower "heliconia", which always hangs down.

Heliconia Martinique


  1. Very nice flowers. Something else than snow.

  2. i love your photos. i really liked your shot looking down at the ice skates.
    nikonsniper steve


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