Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 4 January 2010

The fauna of the national park of Guadeloupe...

Next to the nasty mosquitoes and the (singing) frogs, there are plenty of other animals on the island. The huge (up to 20 cm) snail on the picture can live up to 10 years and its called "escargot achatine".

One of the (more or less) local mammals is the racoon (the washing bear), who arrived on the island in the XVIII century from a boat that sank close to Guadeloupe.

There are turtles not only underwater but also on the ground, the most common one here is the yellow-footed tortoise ("tortue charbniere").


  1. Nice pets, don't bring them with you

  2. really, i got already one racoon for u:-)

  3. Hahaha! I love the two comments before mine! ^^

    I miss the turtles, I usedto have turtle pets in PI (Philippine Islands)...


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