Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 9 August 2010

GayPride Amsterdam 2010, the Canal Parade



If you ever wonder what a gay parade looks like, let me summarise it for you in a few words...There is pink everywhere, its crowded and music in the air (on Saturday also some rain). The Boat parade during the Amsterdam Gay Pride seemed to me a nice thing to see if you live in the Netherlands. I honestly did not expect this HUGE amount of people everywhere...especially considering the pretty cloudy weather which at the end became too wet.



Anyway, from the small part I saw it looked quiet fun. The people watching were dancing on boats parked in the canals and next to the canals while some paparazzi (like me) were wondering on what to climb in order to take some pictures to show afterwards...It should be really better in sunshine, but then I am not sure how crowded it will get...



  1. I'm going to celebrate queensday in Amsterdam!.
    Had such an amazing experience last year; loved the flower market and the red light district.
    Luckily enough I found myself a cute place too through holiday in Amsterdam
    Not too expensive either, can't wait to get back, here I come queensday 2012!


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