Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 26 August 2010

Walderlebnispfad am Litermont, Saarland

In the sunny Bundesland Saarland, next to the French-Luxembourg-border, there is a walking path which won several awards in the last years. I was especially intrigued by the trolls and the other wood sculptures and games along it.
On a very warm and sunny August day it was a great thing to do. Next to some cute wooden trolls, one may try the "Drachenschaukel" (the dragon swing, picture above), walk through the "Weidendom" (house built out of willow trees, second picture below) and enjoy the panoramic view from Litermont hill...


  1. Nice follwing trails in a green area. Keeps you fit and it's relaxing.

  2. Wow!!

    "The face" big and pretty...

    From Japan.
    Thank you.

  3. thank you dear blogger friends for your nice words and visits!


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