Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 19 September 2010

Bronsttijd in Hogeveluwe/ red deer rutting season in Hoge Veluwe

September is the rutting time for the red deer in the Nationalpark Hoge Veluwe. During that period the male herds (groups) break up as they compete for female attention. A stag has to work work if he wants to become a leader- this includes a lot of macho behavior, belling ( the deep throaty mating roar) and sometimes even fighting.

Together with the famous Dutch wildlife photographer Jan Vermeer myself and a group of enthusiastic photographers from my expats photography club "Images" enjoyed some great animal show yesterday afternoon...Jan brought some toys from Nikon like 400 and 500mm lenses:-) Thats why the really impressive results-as deers were not that close!

The only annoying thing was that it was not really a secret tip as more 200 photo-addicts were there too...


  1. Very nice shots!
    Nice animals to capture with the camera.

    Peter en Janny

  2. Een geweldige tijd..De Bronst..Zeker van de Edelherten. Ik zie meestal de bronst van de damherten..Maar de bronst van de Edelherten...Ja dat is wel even iets anders. Wat mooi.
    En wat heb je mooie foto's kunnen maken.
    Wat is dat mannetje imponerend!
    Gr Henk Bos

  3. thanks a lot for lovely comments and passing by:-)))

  4. Aside from the great shots, very mind enriching info as well... I never knew about the "macho behavior"... cool term!

  5. Hoi Jana...Ik doe het even in het Nederlands..Sorry :)
    Ik had niet verwacht dat ik zo snel het Park de Hoge Veluwe zou gaan bezoeken. Maar wat is het er mooi. Maar wij moesten het doen zonder..Multi Award Winning fotograaf Jan Vermeer..Wat maakt hij ook geweldige foto'.
    Gr Henk Bos


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