Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 25 October 2010

Walk through bella Roma...

There is something magical about the Italian capital, Rome...And it is not the fact that it is for sure the biggest open-air museum in the world and may be one of the city with craziest traffic! This city grabs you, turn you around till your head starts spinning and then its cultural heritage takes you on an amazing trip to different ages and epoques...

The famous Coloseo, the breathtaking Foro Romano, the magnificent Fontana di Trevi, the beautiful Piazza Navona...Rome is crowded and cozy, crazy and peaceful, modern and old-fashioned at the same time...There is one of it and thats why may be all roads lead to it....Because one should have seen, tasted its sweetness and admired its uniqueness!


  1. En amoureux à Rome ! le bonheur pour fêter son anniversaire.
    Le Pape a-t-il procédé à la bénédiction ?
    Bon anniversaire et merci pour le petit colis.

  2. lovely skies.... where wereyou positionedwhen taking the coliseum shot? Amazing angle and result!

  3. dear WebLaddy:)since 2007 one may climb (with a glass lift) the big white monument of Vittorio Emmanuele(known also as the weeding cake or the typewritter). From its top one has the BEST view of Rome city center and an incredible view of Coloseo+Foro Romano...


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