Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 23 January 2011

"Chez Henri": blues-jazz concert and good mood Caribbean vibes...

Last weekend (on saturday, 16.01.2011) a great Blues&Jazz Fusion event took place in Saint-Louis, Marie-Galante. It was hosted by Henri, in his cozy restaurant "Chez Henri" located on the beach...Sitting under the huge breadfruit tree and with toes in the sand we had the big pleasure to listen to several artists.

First the Jocelyn Menard Quartet opened the concert with lovely jazz music and put everyone in good mood. Then Gino Sitson from Cameroun presented his new album.

And last but not least the night arrived with the amazing voice of Roland Tchakounte, an African Blues-singer, accompanied by the great sounds of his guitarist...

The bar-restaurant "Chez Henri" is known and famous place for musical events in the French Caribbean. The house is actually the birth house of Henri, who restored it some years ago. When you have the chance to get there, dont miss to try his famous "omelette creole" too, together with one "´ti punch" of course....while looking at the sea, under the (above mentioned) bread-fruit tree:-)


  1. Sounds like a very nice place to hang out at. Music and other good stuff...


  2. I have the impression they have many places with live music in the Caribbean.

  3. I'm pleased there are folks like you who will do little reviews of Jazz events in the Caribbean when you visit.

    @Filip Demuinck: You can follow the Caribbean Jazz scene at Woodshed Entertainment Collective, the Caribbean Jazz blog -

  4. @Minchie Israel: thanks for your nice words and the link to your blog, really lovely done!


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