Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 8 January 2011

Intro to exotic fruits+vegetables-part 3

As a continuation to the introduction to the exotic fruits and veggies in the French Antilles (from last year) I would love to present to you today the Xmas fruit/flower: "la groseille pays" (also called "le karkade"). The flowers are cooked in water and the obtained juice is very refreshing when served and consumed cold...

Below you can see the famous breadfruit (fr."fruit a pain"). It replaces the potatoes in the Caribbean cuisine. One may boil it or grate it (and then bake it in the oven as "gratin"). We tried the last version yesterday and it was extremely yummy.

 The other day I was lucky to find on the market in Marie-Galante some guavas. See how my fruits basket looks like today:-) Another new discovery is the fruit called "abricot pays", the one between the guava and pineapple (second picture below). The name in English is mamey apple (or Santo Domingo abricot) and its tree is a close relative of the mangosteen.


  1. How does it taste? Are you enjoying your holiday?

  2. they all taste good...the juice (from "groseille pays")tastes a bit sour but refreshing (in hot weather)...yep, thanks for asking, having fun here:-)

  3. Great post! The fruit looks sooo yummi!

  4. Het ziet er smakelijk uit..die exotic fruit.
    Gr Henk

  5. very ripe guapa... how do u csll the starfruit over there?

  6. dear Vany,
    mnogo blagodarja:-)

    dear Roj,
    the startfruit is called "carambole" in French...and yes, you are sooo right, the guave was yummy and pretty ripe:-)


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