Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Dutch flower fields 2011 and baby pigs...

tulip fieldsHolland
haycinths fields Holland
It is again flower fields time! Last weekend one could enjoy tons of colourful flower fields: tulips, hyacinths, daffodils....btw its me in the picture above, posing in the middle of the hyacinths:-) It was pretty busy as you can see in the back: tons of people doing the same as me...
flower fields Holland
While enjoying the tulip fields, in the garden in front of a house in Noordwijkerhout, I saw a pair of baby pigs...They were really cute and curious and having fun with all the people passing by.


  1. Третата снимка е много хубава! :)

  2. The flowers are really impressive

  3. the pigs are different from Philippine pigs... first time to see Dutch pigs...are these normal pigs?


  4. dear all: thanks a LOT!
    dear Weblady:-): this is a baby pig, idont knowhow the ones inyour home country look like;-)))


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