Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 3 April 2011

Müllverbrennungsanlage Spittelau in Wien

Hundertwasser Spittelau Wien

Hundertwasser Spittelau

The colours loving artist Friedrich Hundertwasser had also designed an insenaration factory, the "Müllverbrennuungsanlage Spittelau" in Vienna. To reach it one should get the U4 and get off on the stop Spittelau. As the rest of his works I was impressed by its beauty. Here one can find apples and strawberries around the windows for example...and a cute hat on the roof of the building:-)

Hundertwasser Spittelau

Hundertwasser Spittelau Wien


  1. Graet artistic idea from the maker....


  2. Jana un fabuloso reportaje
    Un Cordial Saludo desde Creatividad e imaginación fotos de José Ramón


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