Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 9 July 2011

Diving with "polpi"/octopuses next to Tavolara, Sardinia

The emerald sea around the three islands Tavolara, Molara and Molaretto (in the North of Sardinia) is an amazing nature reserve, called "Tavolara and Capo Coda Cavallo Marine Park". Laura, our friendly diving master from Sardinia, had this very funny dry suit, with the ears on the head...
The underwater world in the park is very beautiful. During only one day we met/ saw 7 octopuses! Some of them were sleeping in their holes. One could see just their eyes and the breathing opening next to the eyes. One "polpo" was not afraid at all and made a big show by stretching slowly all his 8 tentacles.


  1. Again very spectacular under water images. Careful for the Octopus.

  2. Very beautiful pictures of octopuses and the underwater world in this so nice part of the Mediterranean Sea. We will soon go to Lavezzi...:-)

  3. Wow fantastic pictures! :) Great blog! XO

  4. wow, those are strange sea creatures, very unique, thanks for sharing. lucky you.

  5. Stumbled across your site as I was reading about Sardinian diving--just got back myself, and it was great! Will be following your blog!


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