Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 25 July 2011

New gates in China Town den Haag

What makes a Chinese quarter (in Europe) really Chinese...the names of the streets in Chinese or something else?! China Town in den Haag has got two really impressive stone gates, which were inaugurated in January 2010. The are lighted in the night and together with the traditional Chinese street lamps the neighbourhood gets indeed the Asian touch and feeling!

The beautiful gates emphasise the fact that The Hague and China have maintained trade relations for 100 years. The Municipality of The Hague commissioned Chinese architect Momoko Cai and the Shanghai Tayjuan construction company to design and construct the gates. 


  1. I love going to china towns too, the food, observing the culture, and the structures, and just merrying with all the other people walking around it too :) beautiful shots by the way.

  2. Really?'s near my french school but never dared topass that part biking back home... heavier traffic...


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