Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 14 July 2011

Orgosolo, the mural paintings village of Sardinia

Orgosolo Sardinia
The tiny an difficult to reach village Orgosolo is located in the mountainious middle of Sardinia. Nowadays it is famous for its over 120 mural paintings /murales, which depicts social, political and cultural problems from the last and current centuries...
Orgosolo Sardinia
Orgosolo Sardinia
The first of all murales here was painted in 1968...Sometimes its about events in Sardinia, sometimes its about European or worldwide troubles. The walls were the scene for different artists through the years to show their opinions and thoughts!
Orgosolo Sardinia
Orgosolo Sardinia


  1. I like the map and the reminder that goes with it...

  2. Looks special these wall paintings, I saw a few in Paris yesterday.

  3. thank U!
    @Roj: I was sure you would enjoy reading some Italian/sardo;-)))

  4. I have heard that the food is stunning in this region. Hope you had fun. :)


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