Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 13 August 2011

The amazing Museum-Aquarium de Nancy-part 2

I was so impressed by the aquarium in Nancy, that i would love to show you soe more pictures and even some videos...ENJOY!

In the first video you may see funny transparent fishes from Mekong, Thailand. The second fish tank displays two funny creatures called "Atlantic horseshoe crab".The last ones are most commonly found in the Gulf of Mexico and along the northern Atlantic coast of North America. A main area of annual migration is Delaware Bay, although stray individuals are occasionally found in Europe.


  1. Like the fact that you add videos now. The fish in the second video looks strange.


  2. oh, look at the eyes of the fish, so awesome.

  3. oh forgot to add, happy weekend to you too, Jana.

  4. thanks dear two...
    @Filip: the animal in the second video is a crustacean called "atlantic horseshoe crab" (I have also added more info in my text:-)

  5. Hoi Jana
    Vooral het filmpje met de Degenkrab is erg mooi..met die poten over die ander heen.
    Prachtige foto's van de vissen..
    Gr Henk


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