Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 22 November 2011

New York impressions in few pictures and words...

 My first time in New York city...The city is at the same time magical and majestic, big and cozy, multicultural and American, busy and quiet:-) This time I have decided to share with you my travel impressions in likes and dislikes, about my one week in Manhattan...
NYC squirrel
NYC reflection
NYC view
My top  LIKEs are:
- the extremely diverse and impressive architecture
(from art nouveau to headturning skyscrapers and shiny ads on enormous screens);
- the  very friendly, polite and helpful locals;
- the yummy greenmarkets: like the Farmers market at Union Square  or the one on 47th street;
- the incredible art and culture programme
(with several pieces of art in the streets and tons of great museums)
- the beautiful and charming shops displays and  their interior decoration;
- the breathtaking views that some platforms (as top of the Rock or the Bar "View, last picture)
offer of this big and busy city;
- the cute and curious welcome-greeters in Central Park, the sqirrels
(one even came to me and show me the nut she/he has found before going up on a tree to hide it for the winter);
NYC taxi

...As everything has two sides, here are also my top DISLIKEs:
- the stinky food carts at every second corner;
- the crowds in Manhattan at certain times of the day;
- the (American) addiction to non-stop shopping and consumption
(yesterday when I was in front of Macy`s almost squeezed from shopping-addicts and when I saw how full the shops are-both with people and products, mostly made in China, I start to wonder how did mankind could change that way, or was this just the job well done of all advertisement industry)....

Some more of my discoveries to come in few days...
NYC view


  1. I have not seen the silver man when I was there. The picture with the St. Pauls cathedral in the window reflection is a good idea.


  2. dear Filip,
    thank you! the statue is the Andy monument, a statue of the pop artist Andy Warhol at the top corner of Union will be on display till mid 2012;

  3. Wonderful photos and many impressions. Great capture !

  4. love your pictures, and your observation, so true, there is so much addiction to shopping and consumption during this time, and I too do not like it.


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