Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 11 December 2011

Cacao-art of Pierre Marcolini in the Marcolini chocolaterie, Brussels

I did discover the chocolate masterpieces of Pierre Marcolini around 6 years ago and since then I am just hooked...I am aware that a lot of people think its a bit posh or that you may give more money just for the glitter, but I do believe that one pays for better quality. Pierre Marcolini is one of the very few cholatiers still running the "bean-to-bar" operations: which means he knows and selects the beans he works with. There is something for everyone: dark, milk or white...praline, ganache or truffles...or just a chocolate bar...And one can (literally) taste his love to chocolate in the final results.

As I am a big dark-chocolate fan I was really thrilled some years ago with his box of chocolates called "Saveurs du monde".  Each chocolate carries the name of the country where the cocoa beans come from...Ecuador, Madagascar, Venezuela, Ghana, Brasil, etc...My taste has changed not that long ago ( from sweet direction dark chocolate) and I was amazed with this selection of Marcolini to discover the different flavours of cocoa beans depending on their country of origin!.
So in my eyes his products are indeed exquisite, but they do take you to a new chocolate world, a cocoa-world of amazing taste and great quality! For the Christmas season 2011 the Marcolini boutique in Brussels is also offering some new chocolate-creations in the shop at "la Place du Grand Sablon", displayed in the shop-windows...Enjoy with your eyes (and may be even note down his name for a tasting next time you are around:-)


  1. Looks really good. Great chocolate candy.

  2. It is worth paying a premium for such artistry in Chocolate Art. It is so much different from the standard blocks of chocolate on the store shelf... The artistry is so exquisite; it enhances the experience of eating chocolate.

  3. Would love love to have those chocolates.

  4. thanks all:-)
    @Maria:merci for joining my club! indeed one may taste the exquisite quality in every sngle bite...hope you can find the NY shop and taste them too;

  5. Hoi Jana
    Prachtige foto's...van dit lekkers..
    Groetjes Henk

  6. Ha, your favourite chocolatier. Good pictures. Enjoy Brussels. It is hard from here to make comments. Internet gets blocked a lot.



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