Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 4 December 2011

A tour in MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art in New York...

I was really impressed by MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Very interesting and pleasant for the eye&soul mix of photographs, paintigs and other pieces of art are exposed at 5 different floors (I had to skip the Garden of sculptures due to the darkness outside and the fact that I gave my coat at the wardrobe)...The museum opened its door in 1929 and is located in Midtown Manhattan, on 53rd Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues.
Its definitely the first time I see a helicopter hanging in a museum...I liked the mixing of famous European artists (Gaugin, Van Gogh, Picasso, Kandinsky, Miro) and unknown to me American ones, such as the works from Jacob Lawrence. His work (on last picture) is showing in a series of paintings the heavy life of African American after the World War I.

A place to go and to enjoy, every Friday from 16 till 20h also for free (normal entrance fee is 25$). The museum has a bit over 2 millions visitors a year. This allows its Director Glenn D. Lowry to live in a rent-free $6 million apartment above the museum.


  1. The paintings look good, but this would not be a museum for me.

    Sunny Greetings this time,

  2. I think there is something for every taste:-)

  3. Hoi Jana..
    Wat is dit gaaf..ik hou van natuur. Maar dit is natuurlijk ook geweldig!.. New York New York... Ja..eerlijk gezegd heb ik wel een paar logjes van je gemist. (druk) Mar wat een reis zeg..Helemaal geweldig..het moie kerstsfeer..en nu art..ook het Guggenheim Museum..Ja New York the place to be..!!!
    Groetjes Henk..
    En ik hoop het in het vervolg beter bij te houden..want ik heb nogal wat gemist ..Super!

  4. hoe krijg je het allemaal bij elkaar gezocht, je moet het maar zien.
    Je hebt er wel oog voor.

    Groetjes Von

  5. The third picture with the person in the stairs could even be a painting or a shot of a shot :-) I like this!


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