Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 10 January 2012

The underwater world in la Reunion: snorkeling in the Indian ocean

Today some pleasant snorkeling in not even 2 meters water, on the beach of St-Leu.
The water warm as it should be (may be 27 degrees:-) and simply amazing colours and abundance of fishes...

As you can see there is a lot of dead coral (all the white looking pieces like small stones). For some years a protected area has been created on the west coast of the island with three different access rights: the strongest protection does not allow any activities in it...However unfortunately the rules are not always followed by the people.
The scene below pictures the fishes eating a sea urchin crushed in pieces by one snorkler.


  1. The fourth picture is very beautiful.


  2. this has been my wish to get a picture of underwater when snorkeling, your pictures motivate me to buy underwater camera, beautiful shots, Jana.

  3. Jana, I feel as though I can go on adventures I've never experienced just by reading your posts! I've read about the dying coral reefs - such a loss!

  4. thank you dear all, its indeed fantastic!
    @betchai: you dont need new camera, what I have is simply an underwater housing for my normal camera; good luck!

  5. Beautiful multi-colored fish.... is that edible???? :=)

  6. @Ms Filipina: yep, the fish is edible (not much to eat though), but it would be a pity to eat, dont u think so?:-)


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