Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 3 February 2012

Churches and temples in Reunion island

The religious places in Reunion depict in a very nice way the big melting pot the island is: French, Indian, Africans, Chinese are the "locals" here. Islanders use their ethnic origins to define themselves as "Cafres " (African ancestry) "Z'oreilles " (born in mainland France), "malabars or Tamouls " (from Tamil Nadu southern India), " Z'arabes " (from Gujarat in northern India), "Chinois" (from China), "Malgaches" (from Madagascar), " Comores "(from Comores), "Petits blancs" (poor rural whites living in the highlands), or "Creoles blancs " (white landowners).

I would start with the really vivid colours of the Indian temple in St Andre (which is one of the most famous, although they are some spread over the whole island). Enjoy the mind-blowing colours (some part were just freshly painted) and rich decoration. I was really impressed when I arrived in front of it.
Then I would like to take you to the church "Notre Dame de la Lave" located in St Rose. It is called that way as during several eruptions the lava stopped at its door steps. It is really nice to see how good different religions may co-habitit...


  1. I have heard about temples like this one but never seen it. I hope we will be able to visit such a place once. Great pictures.


  2. I can't even imagine paining the intricate sculptures and designs on that temple! You've seen such a lot on these islands.

  3. indeed dear two, the temples are breathtaking!
    @Barb: yep, you are so right! There were tons of things to discover in Reunion island: nature, food, temples, people, underwater world, etc...I did not think so myself before I went there but now I realise it too:-)

  4. that's very interesting and inspiring, seeing different religions in the island, and the sculptures in the temple and their colors are definitely awesome.

  5. Fantastic pictures Jana..... it's a pleasure to see this nice work.

    Greetings, Joop

  6. The temple gates are incredibly detailed. I imagine the colorful figures must tell a story. There seems to be quite a contrast between the temple and church.


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