Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 19 February 2012

Movies from ice-skating on frozen canals in the Netherlands, February 2012

The "Dutch Ice Age Winter 2012" is over...unfortunately! However some videos are still there to remind us, all the enthusiastic ice-skaters, of this great time.

After several pictures and entries about the fantastic ice-skating between windmills and on frozen canals I would like to show you also two movies... The first movie was taken last Saturday in Kinderdijk (skating on frozen canal), the second movie is in Reeuwijk (skating on a frozen lake) -
enjoy them!


  1. Both movies are fun and great. Nice to see the Kinderdijk.


  2. Gosh - brings back memories of ice skating on a pond near my house about 60 years ago! (However, your area is much more scenic.) Also, I couldn't skate nearly as well.

  3. Hello Jana,
    Very funny to see you both skating.
    It's a fantastic place there between all the mills.

    There was last wednesday a terrible accident at the left mill which stands on your photo. The miller of that mill was fallen in his own mill and died. He was a very good colleague of mine, he was a cargo train driver from my work, just like me. He was 47 years old. I was very shocked of that news, very sad all.

    Greetings, Marco

  4. oh, I enjoyed both movies, they are very fun to watch and you all look enjoying and having fun, love the music you chose too.

  5. Ice-skating looks like a nice means of transfer in winter. Right? No matter how cold, it must be refreshing to ice-skate in such a beautiful landscape. You skate very skillfully and beautifully.

    Thanks for your visit and a nice comment.

    Yoko from Japan

  6. Your photo is delightful! Ice skating looks like so much fun! No wonder you have enjoyed the canals freezing over. Maybe it will happen again next winter.

  7. Eislaufen ist wunderbar. Früher war ich sehr oft am Eislaufplatz, doch jetzt habe ich leider kaum noch Zeit für dieses schöne Hobby. Viele Grüße von uns.

  8. Hello Jana! I jut wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and stopped here to visit you and have really enjoyed your two movies of ice skating on the canals between the windmills. How lovely and what fun that would be. I have never been there, so was very informative, and amazing to me how many windmills there are. Best wishes to you, Jeanne

  9. Videos and pictures can always remind us what have happened around us.

  10. What a pity I didn't go there. I was just sliding onAmsterdam'q canals.

  11. thank U all for the wonderfull comments:-)

    @Marco: I am so sorry to hear about your friend, may he rest in piece...
    @Yoko: indeed ice-skating outdor has a reafreshing and energising effect-simply fantastic, thats why was/ is my favourite winter sport:-)
    @Martha: was it very busy in Amsterdam? I bet so...I saw some great shots;


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