Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 6 March 2012

How to (learn to) make your own cacao powder: part 2

Thank you so much for the comment on my previous blog entry showing real cacao pods and the fresh beans inside....As a lot of you asked me about the home-made cacao powder, today I would like to show you my final products! After cutting the pods open and letting the beans ferment in the sun and then dry I have followed the following next steps:
- toast them for 20-30 min in the oven;
- then peel them;
As I did not end up with too many beans I did use my coffee grinder to grind them and the powder I got was pretty red-light colour...This powder I used then to mix with dried cocos (for 1 min together in the coffee grinder) and created the yummy dessert on the last shot...


  1. Flying all the way just to see you and say hello...and wish you all the best for this wednesday! Visit me too. Good night, wonderful dreams…
    Greeting for you from Rio de Janeiro/Brasil

  2. Such effort - I'd try to keep from devouring that heart as I admire it a bit!

  3. oh, labor of love, that is why chocolate taste so heavenly, don't see fresh cacao here unless maybe i go to specialty store, but would love to try this when i get a chance.

  4. Your dessert is truly homemade! I assume the cacao powder is not naturally sweet until you add sugar?

  5. Hello Jana,
    Nice to see how you have done this.
    I like that yummy chocolate dessert, delicious!!

    Much greetings, Marco

  6. So you decided to make your own Marcolini chocolate.


  7. Was there sugar in that delicious looking heart?

  8. thank you for all your nice words dear all!
    @AVC: indeed, you are assuming right;the 100% cacao is not sweet at all;
    @Filip: I think i am long way behind Marcolini, but its very interesting to see the different steps between the cacao fruit and the cacao powder;
    @Roj: yep, I added a bit of Canadian maple make it a bit sweet.-)

  9. This heart-shaped cookie is pure home-made from the ingredients. It is so precious containing all your efforts and love to make people happy. In the previous post, I saw a cacao pod for the first time.

    Have a sweet weekend, Jana.



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