Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 29 April 2012

Colourful Dutch tulip fields 2012 edition, around Noordwijkerhout

One of the most colouful and fantastic ways to enjoy tulipland Holland in the second part of April is a walk/bike through the flower-bulb area...My favourite/secret place is Noordwijkerhout. Around this village every year the tulip and other flower bulbs paint the fields in amazing colour combination and nature masterpieces!
We even flew over the fields into picture above, have a look here:


  1. Excellent pictures Jana, I see you have been looking for tulip fields again.


  2. Jana, een mooie serie. Op het eerste foto heeft het huis ook een fleurige muurschildering. Fijne zondag, groetjes Dietmut

  3. Vliegen of begane grond, Jana..., spectaculair en kleurrijk !

  4. Very nice shots. I like colors and varieties. Where were you when you took last picture, dear Jana?
    Wish you a nice new week. Erika

  5. thanks a lot!
    @Filip: we went for a walk in the tulip fields after our tulip flight;
    @Dietmut: indeed the garfitti-painting and colours add to the tulip fields colours...its my secret spot!
    @Erika: last picture s taken from a small plane, Dakato DC 3; see two posts below more pics and info about my tulip flight: flying over the flower fields:-)

  6. Wow, tulips as far as the eyes can see! How lucky are you to see if from the ground and in the air.

  7. Beautifully done! Fantastic pictures.
    Warm greetings, Mirthe

  8. Now I am officially going green with envy after looking at these fantastic images. A quick question, did the farmers allow anyone to visit the tulip field or do we need to pay for some entrance fee? And how long normally the tulip will last? Will it still be there in May?

  9. @fiziskandarz: in the area around Lisse/Noordwijkerhout there is usually no problem at all to go into the tulip fields at all! No fences+no moaning farmers:) the official tulip time is the last 10 days of april and the first 5 of may (usually up to 5-6th of may), afterwards the farmers cut the blossoms;north of Amsterdam, around Lelystad may be the tulip fields stay a bit longer (till 10th of may); hope this helps:-)if not, ask me again:-)

  10. Amazing. The colours are so brilliant, the fields neatly kept.

  11. These tulip fields are incredible


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