Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Hospital for baby seals in Norddeich, Ostfriesland/ Seehundenstation in Norddeich

Over 5500 seals were counted in 2010 from a plane by an attempt to get a number of these cute animals living around the German Eastfrisian islands... However their every day life nowadays is not as easy as some years ago. The dirty sea water and the increased amount of viruses make the little ones often sick. When this happens the seal hospital in Norddeich is there to take care of them. Once they are healed, they are put back into the wild...While visiting the "Seehundenstation" one may meet these little ones playing the water or sunbathing in the sun. Next to this one can learn more about ehri life, habits and the things which make them sick...
However they need to relax in quiet and sunshine in order to get better very soon!


  1. very interesting - never heard of hospital for baby seals ! glad that they are being taken cared of !


  2. They look so cute and helpless. I'm glad to hear someone is looking after them.

  3. cute seals, glad they have a hospital.

  4. Nice article! Where else have you been in East Friesland? I've never been...but saw one amazing reportage about this area on TV and shrimp fishers :-) Xxx

  5. Haaaaaaaaa ils sont trop beaux ces phoques!! je les adore!!!! bisousssssss

  6. @Salitype: there is one in the Netherlands as well btw...
    @Helene: we did visit the cute&cozy villages Greetsiel, Norden, Norddeich and the carfree island Juist...then we took a "Rundflug" over all Eastfrisian islands-soooo cool! more pics+blogs to come:-)))

  7. The seals are very cute, good that someone helps them.


  8. I think it's horrible that the sea waters have become so polluted. It seems that all underwater animals are at risk. I am so glad to hear that they have a hospital and someone to nurse them back to health.

    They are adorable!

  9. Such sweet faces (seals and humans)!

  10. Lovely impression.....good shots Jana

    greetings, Joop

  11. leuk dat ook in Duitsland een opvang is. Leuke serie Jana. Groetjes Dietmut


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