Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 28 June 2012

Unterwater colours around Tavolara island/ Colori marini d isola Tavolara

Since 1997 the costal area reserve around island Tavolara (called "Area naturale marina protetta Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo") exists and promotes the protection&care of the amazing biodiversity underwater as well as above the water. The underwater world can takes one breath away, when one takes the time to looks into the holes and check the tiny details for hidden treasures...The octopusses are not afraid and look curious at you, the moray eel shows off its nice colours, the hermit crab and the colourful slipper lobster came down the wall to greet us!

A great starting point for a snorkelling or diving trip is the cozy village Porto San Paolo. If you need a diving club, then dont look any further but pass by Luana&Giorgio at Diving center Porto San Paolo .


  1. Hoi Jana,
    Dit is zo mooi..!! Echt fantastisch om dit soort onderwater opnames te zien. Lijkt me een geweldige belevenis om dit te kunnen doen.
    Knap hoor!!

    Groetjes, Marco

  2. Love these photos we do not often get to see the beauty under the sea. Thanks Diane

  3. Hi Jana ! You have come back from Sardinia? Nice shots. Thanks for your advices.
    A kiss from South Italy.

  4. Daar duiken, Jana, moet fantastisch zijn ! Zo mooi... !

  5. Jana,

    These are wonderful vivid and clear! I love them! :)

  6. Jana, I'd know you nowhere even wearing red flippers! What colorful underwater shots. Amazing! PS Wish I could collect wildflowers in the Alps - you lucky gal.13veyesti

  7. My first reaction when I saw the photo of the octopus was... WOW. JUST WOW. I'm a diver too and I'm always amazed by the wonders underwater.

    By the way, your photos are so clear. What underwater camera are you using? :)

  8. The octopuc is just amazing. Isn't he dangerous?


  9. thanks so much for this great feedback!!!
    @Erika: just back today...
    @Koryn: indeed the visibility around Tavolara is mostly fantastic; however water was around 20-22 degrees; I do use Canon G12 in underwater housing plus one flash;
    @Filip: this octopus as the most octopuses is not dangerous; there is only one species (the blue-ringed octopus) who does attack/bite and brings a lot of health complications afterwards, this one is however found only in Australia though; my model on the picture was very friendly, I was just watching and he was smiling back/posing :-)

  10. Cool! I'm thinking of buying an underwater cam too but still trying to decide if I should get one of them Lumix underwater cam or a point-and-shoot then equip it with an underwater casing.

  11. Love these shots and will look forward to your photos from Sardinia. Have never had the privilege of going there, and will have to put it on my list. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  12. What a lovely impressive underwaterworld!

    ♥ Franka

  13. It's a whole new world under the sea! great captures and colours and I like the last too - awesome flippers!

    The aboriginal art in my post was part of an exhibition at our local art gallery. There were many pieces, all by male aboriginal artists from our region.

  14. Wouhaaaaaaaaa!! magnifique reportage sur le monde marin!!!! bravo à toi!

  15. WOW wat is dit gaaf!
    Al die kleuren en wat weet jij onder water prachtige foto`s te maken! Dikke complimenten, groetjes Cristien.

  16. wat is het onder het water prachtig gekleurd. Mooie fotoserie. Goed gedaan, Dietmut

  17. So many interesting and unusual creatures below us. They do well in camouflaging themselves

  18. Prachtige onderwateropnames.....heel goed gefotografeerd.

    Groetjes, Joop

  19. Dear Jana, thanks for visiting my blog. I live in Bari but the main doors are in Noci at 8o km from Bari. A big hug to you and toyour "barese" friend.

  20. Hi Jana,

    tolle Fotos von Sardinien?!?
    Wir freuen uns schon auf unsere Taucherlebnisse dort...
    Liebe Grüße und wundervolle Restwoche

  21. beautiful underwater pictures, love the set of sea creatures you have photographed.


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