Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 6 August 2012

Scheveningen, the beach of the Hague in summer...

When the temperatures gets over 25 degrees and the sky stays blue for few days the Dutch beach gets crowded! Around a  week ago we had a lovely, warm and sunny week of 25+ degrees. So one evening after work we biked to the beach:-)) It gets dark pretty late here, something after 10 pm, so first I put my feet in the water then I enjoyed a walk in the sand and ten fish dinner in the harvour of Scheveningen, the beach of the Hague. 
I always have to laugh when Ithink about a funny fact connecting to its difficult pronunciation. During the Second World War the Dutch soldates were checking if there are not Germny spies among them by asking everyone to say the name "Scheveningen". In Dutch the correct pronunciation requires quite some special skilss of getting out the sound "sghhhh" for the combination "sch".
Above on the picture is me in the water in the line of sunshine:-))


  1. Letterlijk *s*c*h*i*t*t*e*r*e*n*d*e* foto's, Jana !
    Je schaduwfoto's zijn pure poëzie... !

  2. What a beautiful beach! It looks wonderful! Isn't the summertime great when we can get out and walk the beaches and enjoy the warm weather. :)

  3. Excellent photos of a beautiful place. Have a good week, Diane

  4. Like the shadows Jana. Very creative.


  5. een dage Scheveningen altijd leuk en ook de foto's Jana, Groetjes Dietmut

  6. Hoi Jana,
    Mooie opnames!!
    Heerlijk zo'n dag aan het strand. Ik hoop dat we nog wat mooie dagen zullen krijgen.

    Groetjes, Marco

  7. The water is so inviting when the temperature is hot. Haha, creative shadows in the sand.

  8. Bijzonder fraaie eerste foto Jana..... erg goed gedaan,
    nu maar hopen op meer mooie zomerse dagen.

    groetjes, Joop

  9. thank you dear all!
    @Filip and Karen: indeed, as we went late in the evening, after work (around 19-20h) our shadows look very long+funny!

  10. Hi Jana! So glad you visited my blog and could appreciate my pictures. It put a smile on my face to read your lovely words.
    I've been browsing through your blog a bit and I love it, there's such a variety of pictures and information, exactly what I love. I'm commenting here because I had never heard of the Dutch using the word "Scheveningen" to identify the enemy. I do know about "Schild en vriend", something the Flemish used to find out whether someone was French or not during the Battle of the Golden Spurs near Courtrai in 1302; the French pronounced it as "Skilt en frient". It is so much part of our history, we learn about it as a child in school over and over again, everyone knows the story and that phrase used. I had no idea the difficult 'sch' had been used in other situations to trick the enemy as well.


Thank you in advance for leaving your comment here:-)))