Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 16 November 2012

Berliner Mauer: History& Art, 2 in 1 at the rest of the Berlin Wall/ at East Side Gallery

Today I simply have to start this blog entry with this cute Trabi graffiti...because I remember the Trabis from my childhood in Bulgaria. The uncle of my mum had one and we used to call it "the blue-eyed Trabcho", because its headlight rings were blue:-)))

23 years after the fall of the Berlin wall, from Oberbaumbrücke following Mühlenstrasse (direction Ostbahnhof) one may still see (big and long) piece of it. And by see I actually mean "sightsee", because this previously 140km-piece of concrete& limiting history has been transformed in an open-air-art platform.
After the fall of the wall in 1989 quiet some creative painting tookplace in 1990. Several artists have presented their works here. In my humble opinion this is one great way to keep this history monument in a nice& colourful way alive. The East Side Gallery has become already symbol of the city. Its a pity however that some works have been (partly) distroyed by some vandalism already.


  1. How cool is that! What a great idea! A bit of old history preserved with new history! Is that you in the last photo? If so, you look lovely! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I went there lastDecember . I took the same pictures. Wish you a nice w.e.

  3. It should be cared for, it is a living history.

  4. Nice pictures of the wall, didn't know they made so many murals on it.

  5. Great, I am surprised you look in a different way than me to the East Side Gallery.


  6. Marvelous photos of the wall in Berlin. Great Artwork there.

  7. Très belles les photos un super article dur Berlin! bravo

  8. Ap'art', Jana !
    Spijtig van de (barbaarse) vernielzucht...

  9. It's nice to see this grim part of history has come to life in a more positive light. I would like to see this wall in-person someday.

  10. Hi! I've popped over from AVCr8teur's blog. I love this post! I'm a huge fan of street art but this seems especially important and significant somehow. Very nice!

  11. Jana, wat vind ik dit super de muurschilderingen en je beschrijving.
    Ik wens je nog een fijne avond, groetjes Dietmut

  12. Jana, I never know where you'll take me next. Today it's to Berlin. The art on the wall lifts the heart as the bare concrete barrier never did. Thank you for sending me tulip power, Jana - I will think of that tomorrow!

  13. colorful walls that truly made my day cheery! thank you for the tulip healing powers you sent my way...I am back in shape and jumping here at all the beautiful photos I am seeing again...keep taking us around the world :)

  14. I love how instead of destroying it, they found a way to restore it and make it more appealing to everyone. This is one of my dream destinations :-) Everytime I read stories about it, I get goosebumps. Thanks for sharing the experience!

  15. Quite a variety of art work too. I think I'll show my children as we are studying a little modern history at present.

  16. What a transformation of the Wall! It’s a nice outdoor art gallery as well as the reminder of the harsh history. My favorite is the last photo with a charming lady.



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