Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 25 January 2013

Ice-skating in the Netherlands winter 2013/ Schaatsen op naturrijs in 2013

IceSkating Holland2013
The last 2 weeks in the Netherlands have been extremely white! We had few snowfalls which are still visible due to the (almost all the time) minus temperatures outdoor. Of course with all of this cold the ice-skating fever started too and for around now one week one could skate on several frozen lakes and canals. Most of them are maintained and even cleaned by ice-skating clubs...With good skating buddies I had the pleasure to skate on few of the lakes aroudn the Hague (we went to Vogelplas next to Leitschendam, Rottemeren next to Bleiswijk with some windmills and last but not lest Reeuwijk, having 13 connected with eachother lakes)... As you can see from the pictures every day there were different conditions, sometimes ice like mirro with cloudy weather and freezing wind, sometime sblue sky and sunshines, or sky with white clouds and windmills in the background...Enjoy the winterland tour:-)))
IceSkating Holland2013
IceSkating Holland2013
Snow in Holland2013
And below is how a perfect sunny day ice-skating looks like! Reeuwijk on thursday 24.01.20013...
IceSkating Holland2013


  1. Feeërieke beelden, Jana !

  2. Some great pictures Jana, I am already looking forward to our skating adventure.


  3. Glorious photos - the snow - the ice - the windmill - and of course the happy people.

  4. It was the post of your ice skating pictures when I visited this blog for the first time last year. It’s so nice to see the lovely photos of you, Jana. We are experiencing much colder winter but here in Nara it hasn’t snowed yet. Mainly due to geographical reason, we have little snow usually in spite of bitter cold. Enjoy your winter.


  5. love the winter wonderland tour, and love the happy faces of the skater too.

  6. Wat een prachtige foto's van de tocht die je hebt gemaakt. Ik heb op mijn blog een verwijzing naar je blog gemaakt.

  7. Mooi, dat moeten wij vasthouden. Je weet maar nooit wanneer het weer kan schaatsen in Nederland op natuurijs. Prachtige serie Jana. Fijn weekend, Dietmut

  8. Wonderful skating photos...vigorous skaters!!

  9. Hullo Jana - Just popping in from Atlantic Canada to say I have visited your blog and have viewed some of your wonderful photos. I love the skating photos and the shells. I look forward to coming back to visit. Have a wonderful day.

  10. Hallo Jana,

    bei Euch ist alles zugefroren, wie toll! Viel Spaß weiterhin beim Schlittschuhlaufen.
    LG J&C

  11. A cool way to skate. We rarely skate on lakes. It's usually far too cold. We have arenas and then we can skate all year. I skate once a week from the first Tuesday in Sept to the last Tues in April.
    So it's amazing that the dutch are such fanatics about skating when their opportunity to skate is limited.

  12. Sure looks like fun in the nice weather.

  13. I envy you, I could barely stand on an ice skate! Haha.

    The photos look magical. I'm half-expecting Santa's carriage to appear down the road ;)

  14. Wonderful landscapes! kisse from Italy

  15. Hi Jana,

    I love these photos! It's hard to believe that you were skating on lakes. I love the windmill in the background. I bet with the temperature that cold you would have to skate to keep warm! :)

  16. Hey Jana,
    Very nice winter shots!! So funny to see the people skating.
    A very nice place to skate in that landscape with the windmills.

    Many greetings,

  17. A fabulous Dutch winter! How charming to see those windmills again. I hope the sheep (and you) are keeping warm!

  18. Dit is genieten!
    Wat een gezelligheid straalt hier vanaf.

    Groetjes Cristien

  19. These are awesome pictures Jana! We don't know how to skate but would be thrill to be able to slide/walk/skate along those lane [ and of course taking some pictures ]!

  20. Beautiful photos, Jana. Geen elfstedentocht maar wel een dertienmerentocht !

    Fijne vrijdag.

  21. This looks like so much fun and love your photos Jana! Also enjoyed the little movie of you and Filip skating. Such beautiful scenery!

  22. How interesting! People get around town by skating, it makes sense. I have never seen anything like it, but you must be used to it. People in the U.S. only ice skate for fun.

  23. Hi Jana,
    thanks for joining my blog! I see you are from Sofia, Bulgaria my entire family is also from Sofia. I am first generation in the states. I rarely meet a fellow Bulgarian.
    your site looks awesome and I will browse through when I get a break.

  24. Breathtaking image! i love the path to skate on with the house in background just lovely


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