Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 15 February 2013

The light festival ChinaLight in Rotterdam

Last Sunday the new Chinese Year, the Year of the water snake, has started...
Meanwhile for the last 2, 5 months several Chinese lanterns had been transforming the Park next to the Euromast tower in Rotterdam into a fairy-tale place. This magic finished yesterday, however I managed to look at it (and to freeze) while I did visit the park few days ago with a friend.
I also took the challenge of taking night pictures of these fantastic masterpieces. Most of them  were put on water, however few of the ponds were ...frozen! As you may see great reflections were on display! At the end I enjoyed my combi-ticket allowing me to climb the Euromast (185 m high tower) and of course I documented how the light expo looks from above:-)) As of today all lanterns are on sale, so in case you need a human-size-panda or mushroom, have a look online!
...and the famous Erasmus-bridge:


  1. Alweer zo'n 'wahw'logje, Jana ! Je maakte prachtige foto's, (ook) met de weerspiegelingen !
    Geluk en voorspoed (op z'n Chinees dan) voor jou !

  2. A very colourful scene to have in the city. Your photos of the reflections are amazing. You must almost be sad to see these go.

  3. Hallo Jana,

    die beleuchteten Figuren sehen Klasse aus und machen bestimmt die tristen und dunklen Winternächte etwas bunter und fröhlicher.
    LG und happy weekend

  4. The lights are fantastic especially that wonderful dragon.

  5. Dit is prachtig door jou gefotografeerd.....het is een schitterend en kleurrijk geheel.
    Ik geniet van al jou foto's.

    Groetjes, Joop

    Jana....Helaas heb ik lang niet kunnen reageren op jou blog, had steeds problemen met de woord verificatie en kon geen reacties achterlaten....probleem is nu hopelijk voorbij.

  6. I was amazed with the size of the water snake. The night time reflections and lights are just wonderful - and the night lights of the city and bridge - ooh so pretty. Simply amazing photos and most colourful. I didn't realize all these would go for sale after the festival. Have a wonderful day.

  7. We also have a similar festival here, but I did not go this year. I wonder if it is by the same company. The city light view at night is spectacular!

  8. Like your China festival pictures but Rotterdam by night is just excellent.


  9. i love your images, so vivid and the details are so remarkable.

  10. Una preciosidad...un beso desde murcia

  11. Браво, Яна!!
    Много са хубави снимките, предполагам, че и самите фигури са били толкова красиви!!!
    мама и тати

  12. You know what I find fascinating about the Chinese culture?

    They're everywhere! Even here in Manila, it's very prominent.

    Nice photos, by the way! I can never master shooting in the dark :)

  13. Marvelous photos of all these light objects. Fantastic !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  14. Awesome! Must be really nice you get to experience and see all these beautiful lights :D

  15. Wow, Jana - you have the best adventures and the best venues for photos! Love the lights and the glitter.

  16. mooi, je bent in Rotterdam geweest.
    Leuk dat je ook vanaf de Euromast foto's hebt gemaakt. Het moet heel mooi geweest zijn het lichtspektakel. Groetjes Dietmut


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