Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 28 June 2013

Underwater flower garden around Tavolara island, Sardinia

Sharing again the amazing underwater colours of the Tavolara marine park in Sardinia! There are sooo many underwater plants like the marine marguerite (it. "margherita di mare") which makes the underwater landscape looks like a garden/field above the surface:-))) And of course we met the nudibranches! In the last picture you can see Nico swimming above an old amphora...Can you see it, it almost as big as him:-)))
Sardinia Diving Nudibranch
Sardinia Diving Nudibranch
Sardinia Diving Amphora

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Fresh and deliciious fruits in Sardinia

Sardegna Figs
Every time I arrive in beautiful Sardinia I know I am approaching a real fruit paradise....and the fruit-junkie in me is very happy! And could it get any better than this: the two places we have stayed this year at had fruit trees growing in the garden: lemons, figs, apricots, almonds, the pomegranates (currently in status blossom)....
Smelling fresh lemon
Pomegranate in blossom, Sardegna
Almond tree in Sardegna
Some of the most exotic ones are the "corbezzolo" (en. strawberry tree) and the "ficchi d India" (en. prickly pear) and last but not least the famous "mirto", wild bush making dark purple berries from which the locals makes the famous local liqueur "Mirto".... This year all around in the South was also to be seen the white flower of the"carotta selvatica" (wild carrot). The middle of the blossom has one black flower which from far away looks like an insect having a break...So which are your favourite fruits or which fruits grow right now in your garden/country? And as a little treat you get this fantastic sunset in the laguna of Nora on the last picture...
Corbezzolo/strawberry tree in Sardinia
Ficchi d India/ Prickely pear in Sardinia
Wild carrot blossom
Sunset in Nora Laguna 
PS: most of the fruit trees pictures are taken in the garden of the lovely B&B Fiore next to Pula in the south of Sardinia. A very, very cozy  place with warm hosts sharing their love&knowledge about the area!

Thursday 20 June 2013

Flying over the French/ Swiss Alps...

Few days ago while flying over the French and Swiss Alps the view was amazing! Most of the highest peaks are still covered with snow and offered some breathtaking vistas which i am sharing now with you! Hope you enjoy the Alps from ABOVE:-))
Alps seen from above
Alps seen from above
Alps seen from above
Alps seen from above
Alps seen from above

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Refreshing green views at the waterfalls "Cascades du Hérisson" in Jura, France

Some weeks ago, at the pretty cold& wet beginning of May we were enjoying some free days in the green area of Jura, located in Franche-Comté, France, close to the Swiss border. The weather was not very stable, but because of all the rain the vegetation was very luxious and the waterfalls really full...So it was time for waterfall-photography! On the way to the famous "Cascades du Hérisson"  we encountered the cute cows giving the milk for my absolute favourite cheese: Comté! So the first pictures hows you the happy milk-makers grazing the yellow dandellions.
"Cascades du Hérisson" in Jura, L Eventail
"Cascades du Hérisson" in Jura, L Eventail
Macro in Jura
Few kilometers afterwads we arrived at the starting point for the walk around the seven waterfalls of Herisson, along the river Herisson. The path streches over 7,5 km and offers magnificent views over different small, big and bigger falls called names like "l Èventail" (Fan-65m), "Grand Saut" (The big Jump-60m), "Saut Girard" (The Jump of Girard-35m). Nico was really enjyoing himself and using his new tripod. Waterfalls offer great possibility for creative pictures with long shutter speed. In the pictures below we have used speed from 1/4s till 0.6s.
"Cascades du Hérisson" in Jura
"Cascades du Hérisson" in Jura
"Cascades du Hérisson" in Jura

Monday 3 June 2013

Baby swans in the canals of Rijswijk, Holland

Few weeks ago the biggest event in the area around my house were the big news that there are new born baby swans... Since last autumn/winter a swan family lives/swims in the canal in front of our house and now for over a month they go on wet walk with their fluffy little ones! So instead of the usual ducklings this spring you may admire the grey little babys...Do you also have to smile and think of the fantastic fairy-tale of Hans Christian Andersen "The ugly duckling", which was actually a swan baby? I had an absolouteyl beautiful book with his tales (inherited from my mum) and loved all of them! The family started with 7 little ones, but since one week only 3 children are accompanying the parents. As you may see sometimes the swim in the watre is perfect line, but sometimes (when they eat) its freestyle positioning....
Last week I have also met a family of Canadian geese with their little ones in the park I go jogging!