Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 20 June 2013

Flying over the French/ Swiss Alps...

Few days ago while flying over the French and Swiss Alps the view was amazing! Most of the highest peaks are still covered with snow and offered some breathtaking vistas which i am sharing now with you! Hope you enjoy the Alps from ABOVE:-))
Alps seen from above
Alps seen from above
Alps seen from above
Alps seen from above
Alps seen from above


  1. I have flown over the alps and seen them looking the same, it is just magical - great photos.

  2. Beautiful series and nice to see such cold photos in these hot days. Today was more than 37C degrees in Budapest :( I liked all of them but the third one is brilliant! Congratulations!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Greetings, Miklos

  3. Wonderful - I especially like the third photo!

  4. wow! I truly enjoyed Alps from above virtually through your lens :) I may never have the chance to view its magnificence in person so thank you so much for taking me there at least in photos :)

  5. Ah..., Jana..., verbazingwekkend mooi...

  6. Excellent pictures, surprising it is all still white during the summer.


  7. I have only ever seen the alps in photos or in something from National Geographic. To be able to fly this close and capture the peaks like this must have made your heart go BOOM BOOM! I love how the peaks stand out and every photo has left an imprint in my mind. Thank you so much - these are a joy to see. Lilly

  8. Omigod, my jaw absolutely dropped upon looking at this set! Amazing amazing photos. The kind of scenes you only see in movies.

    So what was your original destination? Or did you really just rent a plane for this breathtaking sky sightseeing? :)

  9. thanks dear all-was spectacular view for sure:-)
    @Kulasa: happy to share!
    @Koryn: you made me smile when I read your question if we rent the plane for sight-seeing; hihi-it was our plane from Germany to Sardinia actually (2 hours and almost 30 minutes above the Alps); I pre-booked the places however to be sure I have a window seat!


Thank you in advance for leaving your comment here:-)))