Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 26 July 2013

Dragonflies and sunshine equals to love dance on Dutch pond

This week the Dutch summer reached some 31 degrees....not only we were happy, also the tiny dragonflies were inspired and were doing their lovedance above water at a small pond in thegarden of my work place. I was so amazed by their numbers and beauty, so I biked home after wokr to get my camera and captured them!

Did you know that:
- Dragonflies are expert fliers. They can fly straight up and down, hover like a helicopter and even mate mid-air. If they can't fly, they'll starve because they only eat prey they catch while flying.
- Some adult dragonflies live for only a few weeks while others live up to a year.
- A single dragonfly can eat 30 to hundreds of mosquitoes per day.
(for more info feel free to check "14 Fun facts about dragonflies")


  1. Hi Jana:) I love your post,such good photos,and info. Glad you were inspired to get your camera to show these amazing shots. I don't think I have ever seen so many mating dragonflies, in one place. Gorgeous light also!!
    Warm Regards.

  2. Lovely shots and so informative. Think I need to import dragonglies in to my yard to help out with the mosquitoes!

  3. Are you using maro lens? Love it! And you're subjects aren't blurry at all! I mean I always have a hard time capturing moving objects, insects and butterflies in particular. But you did it!

  4. Hi Jana,
    wirklich einzigartige Fotos, die Dir da von den Libellen gelungen sind.

  5. Your photos are amazing!! I didn't know they ate so many mosquitoes - I'll have to try and attract some to our fountain which is a mosquito breeding ground!! Have a great weekend!

  6. Wat 'n beauty's, Jana !

  7. Lovely. I especially like the reflections. I also like that they eat so many mosquitos.

  8. Nice, nice, nice!!!!Kisses

  9. Didn't kow they called these dragon flies. Great pictures. Enjoy your holiday.


  10. Good morning Jana - I have enjoyed your Dragonfly post, for we have lots of dragonflies round here. I live by a rushing river, which breeds summer flies n mosquito's, which attracts dragonflies and if one were to go to the bridge at night, there is almost the constant sound of dragonflies having a wonderful meal as they zip up and down and around in angles of all sorts. Many of them are quite huge and if you sit quietly, the will land right beside you, or on your shoulder. Sweet things of beauty that I enjoy watching. Beautiful photos Jana. I really do love your articles. Thankyou.

  11. the first one us such a beautiful beautiful love dance of dragonflies captured by you

  12. Beautiful photos, fantastic image:) Greetings

  13. happy you all enjoyed+thanks for the nice words dear all!
    @Koryn: I was using my (usual)zoom lens (18-200mm), the day after I bought my first macro:-))which is fabulous 35mm at 2.8....


  14. They are so lovely to look at dancing by the pond....I love dragonflies and wish I could watch them all day..fascinated by their tiny wings since the first time I laid my eyes on one as a child :)


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