Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 25 August 2013

From Rila (mountain) with love: great views and colourful flowers

I have reported here once last year about the highest Bulgarian mountain Rila (with Musala being 2925,4 m high). The place is magical, once you have been there you always long to go back...I was going up every summer with my grand parents when I was little. It was standard nature escape... So this year I did it again with my parents! We took another hike trail and had a fantastic weather and amazing encounters. Enjoy the breathtaking views of lakes and colourful inhabitants! I hope you can feel how special, quiet and cozy this place is from my photo-tour...
Rila flower, Bulgaria
Rila lake, Bulgaria
Rila lake, Bulgaria
Rila mountain flower, Bulgaria

Next to enjoying the magnificent views, refreshing out feet in the lake water and sweating while climbing up we did not forget the most important activity! We have picked some fresh Rila thyme (picture below), which is used in almost every Bulgarian family as aromatic tea or best home caugh-remedy in the cold season! I love to collect this plant as my fingers are parfumed for some time afterwards with the thyme oil:-))
 Rila thyme, Bulgaria

Rila, thyme collector


  1. Hallo Jana,

    atemberaubende Bilder von einer herrlichen Berglandschaft.
    Schöne neue Woche.

  2. Een hele mooie serie foto´s....ik bekijk dit graag Jana.

    Groetjes, Joop

  3. It looks like you are on top of the world there. Wonderful views. The lake seems to have some large underwater reeds or weeds growing in it.

  4. Dear Jana - What a truly wonderful place to be. I could just feel the magic of this hike and mountain area. The photos are amazing and I was especially drawn to the photo of the grass growing and swaying in the pond or small lake? You and your family are just as cute as buttons - a Maritime phrase - most complimentary. Thank you and looking forward to your next adventure, wherever that may be. lol

  5. Hi Jana
    So sorry it's taken me so long to visit:) After my vacation, I've had reoccuring internet problems which has prevented me from commenting.

    It's not surprising you want to return to this beautiful place. What fabulous views, and nice family photos. You look very fetching in your hat,...I have one just the same!:)

  6. Adembenemend mooi, Jana, 'k blijf maar kijken...

  7. What a beautiful place. Lovely shots !

    It's always a pleasure to go back to a place where you lived years ago. We did the same in July - back to Calgary.

  8. oh so very beautiful Jana, and very inspiring that your parents hiked with you too, must be very relaxing there at the top of the world!

  9. Jana, How wonderful to spend time in this mountain paradise. The lake is definitely a plus, but I bet the water is icy cold. I have wild thyme growing in my garden. Maybe I'll pick a sprig tomorrow and brew some tea - I'll think of you while I'm sipping. I love the pic of you and your parents (who look very fit).

  10. thanks a lot dear all!
    indeed the first lake (Grynchar) has weeds growing inside and also tons of tiny fish, which make fish therapy for the feet fo the hikers, the water is very refreshing after the hike up:-)

  11. Thanks for sharing.
    So beautiful...

  12. What a mountain and lake, I didn't know Bulgaria was so beautiful.


  13. Rana, jij hebt ons op een mooie wandeling meegenomen. Bulgaria is wel heel afwisselend en leuk. Groetjes Dietmut

  14. The 5th photo is just magical! It's like there's a n entirely different world lurking behind those grasses (they're grasses, right?).

    And the way the water gives off a clear reflection of the backdrop is just awesome.

  15. Gorgeous shots. kisses from Italy


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