Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 28 October 2013

Mushroom autumn walks

I love autumn (and not only because it was my birthday last week and I am an October-girl:-)...the amazing colours in nature, the harvest, the fresh apples& pears...and for few years I am enjoying also the mushroom walks:-)) Lets dive into the autumn rainbow with my pictures below! This time I am sharing pictures taken in the forests in the Netherlands and Normandy, France...

Monday 21 October 2013

The Sofia cathedral Alexander Nevski: colourful mosaics and blue hour

With risk to repeat myself I will be showing you some more pictures from the symbol of my home city, Sofia: the cathedral Alexander Nevski. While walking in the city on a sunny day one cant miss the golden domes...The inside is simply breathtaking, however no pictures are allowed. I did though discovered few beautiful details and colourful mosaics at the entrance, which I did photograph for you.
The last two pictures are my first attempt for blue-hour-photography. In the minutes after sunset the sky gets incredible blue tones and lots of photogpraphers simply die to take pictures with such a background. I was impressed to see how quick the blue colour changed (about a minute between the two pics below)!

Thursday 17 October 2013

Autumn in the Balkan mountains/ Esen w Stara planina, 2013

I have written about the Balkan mountains last autumn after a mind-blowing display of autumn- colours-tour in early November. This year autumn is a bit earlier there and last weekend my friends& myself have enjoyed great  views again. We drove on the famous and spectacular "Podbalkanski" road, which is a 400km stretch between the Balkan mountains chain and the shorter Middle Forest mountain... Below is the communistic monument at peak Buzludha. From there one can see the monument Shipka (on picture number 4)!