Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 21 October 2013

The Sofia cathedral Alexander Nevski: colourful mosaics and blue hour

With risk to repeat myself I will be showing you some more pictures from the symbol of my home city, Sofia: the cathedral Alexander Nevski. While walking in the city on a sunny day one cant miss the golden domes...The inside is simply breathtaking, however no pictures are allowed. I did though discovered few beautiful details and colourful mosaics at the entrance, which I did photograph for you.
The last two pictures are my first attempt for blue-hour-photography. In the minutes after sunset the sky gets incredible blue tones and lots of photogpraphers simply die to take pictures with such a background. I was impressed to see how quick the blue colour changed (about a minute between the two pics below)!


  1. Dankjewel, Jana. Echte beelden... !

  2. Your Sophia shots are always so intriguing, Jana - makes me want to visit. That mosaic is lovely, and the ancient architecture so impressive. Love the "blue hour."

  3. Jana,

    What breathtaking pictures! I can't believe the blue color in the background of the last two photos and how quickly the blue shades changed in a matter of minutes! Very beautiful!

  4. WONDERFUL pictures with nice light and details..... compliments Jana.

    Greetings, Joop

  5. The Blue Hour shots are fantastic and I am most impressed to see the difference in a minute. I love the colours. The photos that you were able to take are just stunning and oh, so beautiful - they just kinda take one's breath away to glance at such beauty and you are surrounded by it my dear. Thankyou so much for sharing :)

  6. Hi Jana,

    wie immer ganz tolle Bilder. Wir wünschen Dir weiterhin viel Spaß in Sofia.
    LG J+C

  7. Intricate details in colour and texture on every surface. What a feast for the senses and spirit.

  8. Beautifull, looks a bit similar to the Alexandr Nevski church in Tallin but I prefer this one.


  9. You capture the blue-hour photo perfectly! What settings did you use?

    The domes are amazing. Gives so much character to the cathedral.

    You have a beautiful hometown :)

  10. thanks a LOT!
    @Koryn: my settings for the blue hour were: f/3,5 at 1/6s (for the first one) and f/5 at 1/4s(for the second), both at ISO400...


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