Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Beautiful details in Rouen....

The charme of Rouen is hidden in the little and beautiful details: the artistic sign of the next boulanger (shop for artisanal bread), the wall decoarted with shells, the old&magic art-deco decorations.... One feels and sees that Rouen was an important and rich city in the past! In the 16th century the city was important harbour town for products exchange with Brazil.  Victor Hugo was calling the city: city of tausend church towers. A lot of architecture was destroyed during the Second World War bombing. However over 2000 colombage houses are still well preserved.


  1. Hello Jana,
    What a wonderful shots of these buildings. Great to see, it looks aa a wonderful art of work.
    Delicious hearts..!!

    Many greetings,

  2. Leuk om een stukje 'Rouen' door jouw ogen te zien, Jana !

  3. You have all the details very nice photographed Jana..... it's a nice post again.

    Greetings, Joop

  4. Special details and nice angels.


  5. Lovely architectural shots, Jana. The detail on the buildings is fabulous.

  6. wonderful! I loved walking with you virtually and was amazed at those beautiful structures :)

  7. I am imagining that it took an artist/sculpturer a very long time to lovingly create all this beauty in your beautiful photos. The building shots are indeed lovely and another virtual romp with Jana and her camera. Thank you so much :) Appreciate all your work that goes into these lovely posts.

  8. Hello Jana,

    Thanks for your recent visit to my blog. Your post has some very lovely architectural photos. Of course, I think France is rich in history. Someday, I hope to revisit France especially in the areas outside of Paris.

    Sending you well wishes for a happy weekend! :-)

  9. Hallo Jana,

    die kleinen Dinge sind manchmal die schönsten....happy weekend
    LG J+C

  10. Hallo Jana,

    die kleinen Dinge sind manchmal die schönsten....happy weekend
    LG J+C

  11. what very beautiful details indeed, happy weekend Jana

  12. Jana, heel mooie details van de gevelversieringen. Fijne avond en groetjes, Dietmut

  13. Oh, I can live in this place! Stepping into those alleys must've made you feel like a kid walking into a candy store :)

  14. What are those heart-shaped items, by the way? Cheese?

  15. @Koryn: yep, the white hearts are cheese, its called Neufchatel (the name of the place where they make it, close to Rouen) and its raw cow-milk-product, we bought one of them, simply amazing:-)))

    btw there is a funny story/legend that the French ladies (charmed by the English soldiers)during the 100-year-war were creating these cheese in this lovely shape...

  16. Ooh, I'm now curious about the story!


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